Monday, 8 April 2013

Eight-person tag match was cut due to "time constraints"

While I didn't really care too much about this match or the rivalry surrounding it, there are two things that really bother me about this match being cut. 
Firstly, Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow are two amazingly talented up and comers that have been a great, solid tag team over the last few months. Individually they are both deserving of a spot on the Wrestlemania card, and the fact that they have worked so hard and didn't get their match is something that WWE should feel very badly about. It's not only a chance to showcase the mid card talent and give them a chance to shine, it's just bad for business. Why should the fans care about seeing these Superstars wrestle if WWE doesn't?
Secondly, there were no Divas matches on the card. Even Divas champion Kaitlyn had nothing to do with Wrestlemania this year; the only Diva we saw was AJ, and she didn't get to wrestle. There's a problem with that. At least if this match had taken place, we would've seen some kind of Diva representation on the card.
The fact that P.Diddy got a solid few minutes of screen time at Mania and eight hard working WWE Superstars didn't just isn't good enough. WWE, you need to treat your mid-card employees with more respect.

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