AJ has definitely matured since her NXT days, and seeing her win the Divas title made me genuinely happy and excited. Two feelings I haven't associated with the WWE Divas in a long time.
It's not news that the Divas division has been boring. WWE has been overusing the Bella Twins, underusing Natalya, and letting real talents slip away. But this storyline with Kaitlyn and AJ, two Divas who are interesting to watch both inside and outside the ring, has made people want to see the Divas for the first time in a long time. I am one of those people, and I love it. Their feud has been carefully played out for so long, wasn't rushed, and culminated in a fantastic match at Payback, and giving AJ the championship was a great decision by WWE Creative. Not only does it allow the feud to continue to play out while not letting it grow stale, but AJ really deserves the championship. I fully believe that. She isn't in the WWE for the fame, or to pursue a modelling career. She's in the WWE because she wants to be a wrestler. She has worked hard, she is good at it, and WWE fans should be proud to call her our champion.
Crazy, manipulative, and a little hyperactive, AJ and her feud with Kaitlyn is everything the Divas needed. Long live the Divas Champion.
Feel free to comment your thoughts about AJ and the Divas division below, I'm always interested to hear other people's opinions!

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