Sorry bros, I'm here. I had an unfortunate incident involving tea being spilled on my laptop and the keys malfunctioning before ceasing to work all together so yeah sorta had to get that fixed. Due to work commitments I won't be able to catch up on the missed recaps but I'll make up for it with tonight's Raw!!
PS. I watched 12 Rounds 2: Reloaded and I really wasn't expecting much, particularly in the way of Randal's acting, but it was surprisingly good. Definitely one I'd watch again. Go see it!
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Raw recap - 07/08/13
With Vickie Guerrero's performance evaluation, the debut of the Wyatt Family and this being the last Raw before Money in the Bank, I genuinely don't know what to expect. But I'm excited.
Sunday, 7 July 2013
Superstar Spotlight - John Cena
Name: John Cena
Favorite move: F-U (I'm living in the past, I know)
Favorite gimmick: Doctor of Thuganomics
Favorite tag-team: Cena & Orton
Strengths: He may not have a wide selection of moves or be the best wrestler on the roster, maybe not even top 10, but Cena can keep a crowd interested. That's what professional wrestling is about, whether the crowd is booing or cheering, as long as they're reacting strongly the guys are doing their job. Cena gets a reaction like no one else, and that is his biggest asset, and one of the biggest reasons we will see him in the Hall of Fame one day.
Weaknesses: Four words - five moves of doom. I'm not a Cena hater, I respect the hell out of him, he (arguably) carries the company. But if we're talking about being a good wrestler, Cena's name is not one of the first to come to mind.
Hopes: I hope, whether it be unrealistic or not, for Cena to take a break from the spotlight for a while. Pass the championship off to one of the younger guys like Ambrose or Bryan or even Rhodes, and just take some time to put people over. Cena is not going to become irrelevant any time soon, so using him to get the newer talent over won't do him any harm. Give Jericho a break, and let Cena work with the newer talent for a while.
Overall opinion: I have always had a soft spot for Cena. Regardless of what you think of him, you can't deny he has a real love and passion for WWE. He's a true superstar, and I hope he doesn't go anywhere any time soon.
Favorite move: F-U (I'm living in the past, I know)
Favorite gimmick: Doctor of Thuganomics
Favorite tag-team: Cena & Orton
Strengths: He may not have a wide selection of moves or be the best wrestler on the roster, maybe not even top 10, but Cena can keep a crowd interested. That's what professional wrestling is about, whether the crowd is booing or cheering, as long as they're reacting strongly the guys are doing their job. Cena gets a reaction like no one else, and that is his biggest asset, and one of the biggest reasons we will see him in the Hall of Fame one day.
Weaknesses: Four words - five moves of doom. I'm not a Cena hater, I respect the hell out of him, he (arguably) carries the company. But if we're talking about being a good wrestler, Cena's name is not one of the first to come to mind.
Hopes: I hope, whether it be unrealistic or not, for Cena to take a break from the spotlight for a while. Pass the championship off to one of the younger guys like Ambrose or Bryan or even Rhodes, and just take some time to put people over. Cena is not going to become irrelevant any time soon, so using him to get the newer talent over won't do him any harm. Give Jericho a break, and let Cena work with the newer talent for a while.
Overall opinion: I have always had a soft spot for Cena. Regardless of what you think of him, you can't deny he has a real love and passion for WWE. He's a true superstar, and I hope he doesn't go anywhere any time soon.
Saturday, 6 July 2013
Smackdown recap - 07/05/2013
It's that time of week again! With CM Punk promised to appear tonight on Smackdown I'm calling that we will hear JBL say "we fight on Friday nights" at least once.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Raw recap - 07/01/2013
Sorry for the delay this week guys, but I'm in Australia and time zones are annoying. Also my download was really slow. Anyways let's get straight into it!
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Smackdown recap - 06/28/2013
So the MITB competitors are being announced, Dolph Ziggler has a concussion but keeps attacked Alberto Del Rio anyway, Daniel Bryan finally (FINALLY) beat Randy Orton, AJ Lee is continuing her torture of Kaitlyn, Paul Heyman's being shifty as fuck, Ryback has issues with Chris Jericho and Mark Henry is still laughing about his fake retirement speech. Smackdown, don't let us down!
Friday, 28 June 2013
Superstar Spotlight - Dolph Ziggler
Name: Dolph Ziggler
Favorite move: Name Dropper
Favorite gimmick: Show Off
Strengths: Oh where to begin. Ziggy is just so naturally talented, he's so athletic and passionate about wrestling.
Weaknesses: I don't know if I can pin this on Dolph as a weakness but he's just not convincing as a heel. People support him too much, it's like no matter how hard he tries people still cheer for him.
Hopes: Ziggler cashing in his MITB contract and winning the World Heavyweight Title was an amazing moment, one that was so well deserved. Taking it away from him was a huge mistake in my mind, and I would really like to see him regain it, now as a face with a clean win. However, I doubt any world championship win could be as glorious as his first.
Overall opinion: Ziggler is one of the most deserving, hard working superstars on the roster, and I can definitely see him being a maineventer for years to come. Power to ya, Ziggy.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Raw recap - 06/24/2013
With CM Punk back and Stephanie McMahon hanging around and Christian back how could I not be excited for this weeks Raw? Let's get into it!
Saturday, 22 June 2013
Smackdown recap - 06/21/2013
First Smackdown since Payback and first recapped from me in a long time, I don't know about you guys but I'm excited! Let's go!
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Katie's thoughts on... AJ Lee as Divas Champion
I'm gonna be completely honest here; I didn't like AJ for a long time. I watched season 3 of NXT, which is something I would be uncomfortable admitting if not for CM Punk's commentary. And AJ to me was a yappy chihuahua I just wanted to... punch, or drown, or sedate very heavily. I didn't like how much emphasis they put on the fact that she plays video games and reads comic books. I still wasn't impressed through the Daniel Bryan/CM Punk/John Cena/Kane situation. If anything, that made me dislike her more. But what turned me around was seeing AJ turn heel. Maybe it's just me but I can't stand babyface Divas. Evil bitches, I love (hence my girl-crush on Maryse). Seeing AJ manipulate her way to the top has seen her grow on me, and I can now officially say, I am a fan of AJ Lee.
AJ has definitely matured since her NXT days, and seeing her win the Divas title made me genuinely happy and excited. Two feelings I haven't associated with the WWE Divas in a long time.
It's not news that the Divas division has been boring. WWE has been overusing the Bella Twins, underusing Natalya, and letting real talents slip away. But this storyline with Kaitlyn and AJ, two Divas who are interesting to watch both inside and outside the ring, has made people want to see the Divas for the first time in a long time. I am one of those people, and I love it. Their feud has been carefully played out for so long, wasn't rushed, and culminated in a fantastic match at Payback, and giving AJ the championship was a great decision by WWE Creative. Not only does it allow the feud to continue to play out while not letting it grow stale, but AJ really deserves the championship. I fully believe that. She isn't in the WWE for the fame, or to pursue a modelling career. She's in the WWE because she wants to be a wrestler. She has worked hard, she is good at it, and WWE fans should be proud to call her our champion.
Crazy, manipulative, and a little hyperactive, AJ and her feud with Kaitlyn is everything the Divas needed. Long live the Divas Champion.
Feel free to comment your thoughts about AJ and the Divas division below, I'm always interested to hear other people's opinions!
AJ has definitely matured since her NXT days, and seeing her win the Divas title made me genuinely happy and excited. Two feelings I haven't associated with the WWE Divas in a long time.
It's not news that the Divas division has been boring. WWE has been overusing the Bella Twins, underusing Natalya, and letting real talents slip away. But this storyline with Kaitlyn and AJ, two Divas who are interesting to watch both inside and outside the ring, has made people want to see the Divas for the first time in a long time. I am one of those people, and I love it. Their feud has been carefully played out for so long, wasn't rushed, and culminated in a fantastic match at Payback, and giving AJ the championship was a great decision by WWE Creative. Not only does it allow the feud to continue to play out while not letting it grow stale, but AJ really deserves the championship. I fully believe that. She isn't in the WWE for the fame, or to pursue a modelling career. She's in the WWE because she wants to be a wrestler. She has worked hard, she is good at it, and WWE fans should be proud to call her our champion.
Crazy, manipulative, and a little hyperactive, AJ and her feud with Kaitlyn is everything the Divas needed. Long live the Divas Champion.
Feel free to comment your thoughts about AJ and the Divas division below, I'm always interested to hear other people's opinions!

Guess who's back?
Back again.
Katie's back.
Tell a friend.
Eminem lyrics aside, I am back. I've missed you guys! Basically I had tonsillitis for a while then uni exams and a whole lot of things keeping me from blogging... Anyway, like my dear CM Punk I have returned. Raw and Smackdown recaps plus a Superstar Spotlight and my thoughts on a certain new Divas Champion to follow.

Ps. Oh yeah, my posts come with my lovely scrawled name at the bottom now.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Raw recap - 04/15/2013
So last week's Raw was amazing, and I'm already positive this one won't live up to the hype, but with CM Punk making his first post-WM appearance, it's bound to at least be memorable. Here we go, guys!
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Smackdown recap - 04/12/2013
So Dolph Ziggler cashed in his MITB contract to become World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton and Sheamus were fighting over who gets to fight Big Show but then he took them both out, The Shield have started something with the Brothers of Destruction and Daniel Bryan, and Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter are still really racist. And that's what you missed on Smackdown!
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Superstar Spotlight - Sheamus
Name: Sheamus
Favorite move: Brogue Kick
Favorite gimmick: The Great White
Favorite tag-team: RK-Brogue
Strengths: He knows how to use his size to his advantage, and he has a lot of passion for the business. He also has a great variety of finishing/signature moves.
Weaknesses: It's hard to fault Sheamus. He's worked really hard to get where he is and is entertaining as a face or heel. However, every time Sheamus has won a world title, it has been in underwhelming circumstances. He needs to have that moment where he wins the gold and it's a truly great moment. That's not Sheamus' fault though, it's more the fault of WWE Creative.
Hopes: I think the best place for Sheamus right now is with Randy Orton in the tag team division, and I don't just mean that because I love them together and want them to be BFF's. They make for a great team with both of them being above average size and they have the potential to help make the tag team division more interesting and popular. But I would definitely like to see Sheamus as WWE Champion in the future.
Overall opinion: Heel or face, I have always loved Sheamus. I think he's a great Superstar, not bad on the microphone, fairly charismatic, and a solid in-ring performer. Ginger power!
Raw recap - 04/08/2013
I've heard from many people that this is the best Raw in a long time and that the crowd was insane so I'm extremely excited to finally sit down and watch it and see how the Wrestlemania repercussions play out. Here we go!
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Smackdown recap - 04/05/2013
The last Smackdown before Wrestlemania! I know most of the last minute storyline developments would have happened on Raw but I was still looking forward to seeing what Smackdown has to offer. Until I realized it was almost entirely replays and Wrestlemania previews. Regardless, let's get into it, shall we?
Monday, 8 April 2013
Eight-person tag match was cut due to "time constraints"

While I didn't really care too much about this match or the rivalry surrounding it, there are two things that really bother me about this match being cut.
Firstly, Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow are two amazingly talented up and comers that have been a great, solid tag team over the last few months. Individually they are both deserving of a spot on the Wrestlemania card, and the fact that they have worked so hard and didn't get their match is something that WWE should feel very badly about. It's not only a chance to showcase the mid card talent and give them a chance to shine, it's just bad for business. Why should the fans care about seeing these Superstars wrestle if WWE doesn't?
Secondly, there were no Divas matches on the card. Even Divas champion Kaitlyn had nothing to do with Wrestlemania this year; the only Diva we saw was AJ, and she didn't get to wrestle. There's a problem with that. At least if this match had taken place, we would've seen some kind of Diva representation on the card.
The fact that P.Diddy got a solid few minutes of screen time at Mania and eight hard working WWE Superstars didn't just isn't good enough. WWE, you need to treat your mid-card employees with more respect.
Reviewing my Wrestlemania predictions
Until I have the time to sort of a proper Wrestlemania recap (won't be until after my Smackdown recap as well), let's see how I went with my predictions.
It's finally here!
Hey guys, I will be livetweeting Wrestlemania on my Twitter account @1HeartWrestling now! Get over there and follow to get all the updates from iheartwrestling!
Friday, 5 April 2013
Katie's Wrestlemania predictions
Maybe I should wait until after Smackdown to make any solid predictions, but I think any major storyline developments were made on Raw this week.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Raw Recap - 04/01/2013
I had very high hopes for this edition of Raw; being that it's the last we'll see of most of these rivalries before Wrestlemania (except for the arduous replays on Smackdown and Main Event) it has to be exceptional. And I was not disappointed. Maybe it's because when it finished I couldn't stop clapping and saying "yes!" at the TV like a mental patient.
Superstar Spotlight - Cody Rhodes
Name: Cody Rhodes
Favorite move: Disaster Kick
Favorite gimmick: The Essence of Mustachioed Magnificence
Favorite tag-team: Priceless with Ted DiBiase Jr
Strengths: Cody's a very athletic, very strong in-ring performer. He has obvious natural talent.
Weaknesses: Though his mic skills have improved greatly over the last couple of years, it's still probably his weakest point. Also, he's had a very hard time actually breaking free of the tag-team division.
Hopes: I like to think that in the near future Cody will the attention he deserves as a singles competitor and will be main eventing Wrestlemania two years from now.
Overall opinion: I love Cody Rhodes, and I have since he first debuted in 2007. There's something about him that I just know he's going to go far and be successful, but at the same time he has that underdog feeling that he just can't seem to shake, but it makes seeing him be successful all the better. I also simultaneously love and loathe that mustache.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Katie's thoughts on... The Rock as WWE Champion
Basically, I'm not on board with The Rock being the WWE Champion. This is a very multifaceted concept for me, and something I spend a lot of time getting irrationally (or perhaps rationally? That's for you guys to decide) angry about very often.
Firstly, I have so much respect for what The Rock has done in the WWE. I was a huge Rock fan back in the early-2000's; his promos were spot-on, his wrestling was so exciting to watch, and his feuds with Stone Cold Steve Austin and Mankind are some of the greatest in history. I always looked forward to seeing him every week, and I still enjoy watching those matches and segments back.
But The Rock we are seeing on Raw every few weeks now in 2013 isn't the same Rock WWE fans fell in love with in the late 90's.
Let's talk about CM Punk for a minute. You're gonna find a lot of talk about CM Punk on this blog, but it is relevant. CM Punk was WWE Champion for 434 days. During that time, he suffered a torn meniscus that required surgery - yet he still showed up to Raw, not only to continue his title reign but to allow the programs involving him and thus helping the show (i.e his association with The Shield, feud with The Rock) to keep running. That is a workhorse, and that is someone that deserves to be WWE Champion. And hey, say what you will about John Cena, but that guy was also a very proud, very dedicated WWE Champ.
And then at the Royal Rumble 2013, CM Punk lost his title that he very much deserved, to The Rock.
I'm not saying The Rock doesn't deserve to be champion based on his wrestling ability or that he doesn't care about the WWE - but caring about WWE and being a good wrestling is not all it takes to deserve the most prestigious title in the WWE today.
CM Punk lives and breathes wrestling. He sacrifices a lot to be one of WWE's top guys, and yet he dropped the championship to a guy who prioritises his movie career over WWE (and he dropped the title after 434 days after a basic elbow drop - but that's a rant for another time).
We went from having a real workhorse of a champion for 434 days to a champion who wrestles only at pay-per-views, and who gets big hype when he actually shows up at Raw because it happens that rarely. It should not be a big deal that the WWE Champion is on Raw.
The Rock isn't injured, he isn't too old to be competing frequently; he has no excuse to not be showing up to his show week in and week out. Brock Lesnar, Triple H and The Undertaker are all part-time performers as well, be it due to their inability to go as hard as they used to or family commitments, whatever. That's their business, and that's okay, whatever, I don't care about that. Because they aren't WWE Champion.
Simply put, you do not deserve the WWE Championship if you are not going to show up to Raw and even Smackdown week in and week out, let alone compete in matches at those shows. It's time for the torch to be passed.
Hi! :)
So, first of all thank-you for visiting my blog! I've wanted to do this for a while, being that I have too many opinions about my passion that is wrestling and limited space to share them. If you're interested in my thoughts on various issues in wrestling, recaps of Raw and Smackdown, Superstar Spotlights and more, make sure to check back here because I can promise I will be very active on here.
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